
Anabel Vasquez is Medicine Woman, Reiki Master, and warrior of nature.

Upon her journey, Anabel has been working closely to recieve guidance and blessings from the Shipibo tribe of Peru (Ayahuasca), the Matses tribe of Peru (Kambo), the Yawanawa tribe of Brazil (Rapé, Kambo, Ayahuasca), the Huichol tribe of Mexico (Peyote), and various tribes in the Andes Mountains of Peru (Huachuma).  She continues to learn from, work with, and obtain medicine from these tribes in a respectful and sacred manner.

Anabel holds Shamanic Healing Ceremonies with Kambo – sacred Peruvian frog medicine, Bufo Alvarez – sacred medicine of the Sonoran Desert frog (5MEO DMT), Rapé, Sananga, Ayahuasca, Huachuma and others.  Anabel has worked with these sacred medicines for the last decade, helping thousands of people along the way. She has aquired a reputaion for quality of service in respects to the ancestors and sources of these sacred medicines and the blessings that come with them.


To date, Anabel has had the honor to serve these medicines to over 1,000 people in the United States, Peru, and Mexico.  She is currently expanding her reach globally to those in Canada, Italy, and other European countries. 

These medicines initially came into Anabel’s life in her twenties when she was diagnosed with colon cancer.  Around the same time, she started hearing of the sacred medicine Kambo and it’s amazing healing properties.  About 30 Kambo sessions later, Anabel was cancer free.  It was this that ignited her passion, her drive, and it was this that showed her that it was her life’s purpose to continue to work with this medicine and to guide and heal others on their life’s journey.

Anabel is a very loving and nurturing soul who was awakened to her power and purpose as a Medicine Woman and Healer in this lifetime, and in many others, with an intent to heal and awaken human consciousness. She works closely with her clients for restoration, renewal, and healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. She is grateful to be living her purpose and to be living a life of service to others through her work with these powerful and sacred medicines.