Sananga is a very powerful sacred eye medicine, which is made from a shrub called “Apocynaceae” from the Amazon jungle.

These powerful eye drops have a healing power that’s more energetic than physical, and that has the capacity to increase spiritual insight in the minds of those who use it. Sananga is potent medicine, and while you can administer sananga for yourself without undergoing a guided ceremony, it’s important to find a reputable source and to educate yourself on its proper usage beforehand.

On the energetic level, Sananga profoundly helps to open-up the inner sight, third eye, visions, activates the pineal gland, clears any mental confusion, releases negative thoughts, and deeply cleanses the whole aura from the inside out.

You only need 1-2 drops in each eye per session. Ask us for more instructions on how to use it through our email support system.

It is said that it can increase visualization and spiritual ideas. Other traditional uses include the use as a febrifuge, emetic, diuretic, soothing and for many others including skin conditions, addiction, suppressant appetite, to alleviate dental problems, to counteract the wounds by snake bite and poisoning, cure various eye injuries, rheumatism and to end negative thinking patterns. 

Another important healing aspect of the Apocynaceae family is its antimicrobial activity, it is a potent antioxidant, anticancer, antifebrile, anti-inflammatory, antimycobacterial and antimicrobial. But, scientific evidence has not yet been reported.

Locals also believe that it helps to expand vision and spiritual awareness while improving the ability to read other people’s intentions. It is also said that Sananga increases a person’s long-range vision. Indigenous peoples believe that it can be used to treat a wide range of eye problems such as myopia, depth and color perception, image definition and detection accuracy.

Benefits of Sananga

Sananga is still used by many tribes in the heart of the Amazon, but its benefits are reaching the rest of the world as these tribes open up ceremonies to outsiders and train those who are interested in the administration of the eye drops. Used either in conjunction with ayahuasca or as a stand-alone treatment, sananga shows powerful potential to treat a spectrum of physical and psychospiritual illnesses:

  • Treats and prevents ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, farsightedness, near-sightedness, astigmatism, and blindness.
    Detoxifies the body.
  • Increases visual perception and enhances colours.
  • Clears long-standing inner anger.
    Used in conjunction, helps with mental disorders such as addiction, depression, and anxiety.
  • Resets energetic field.
  • Treats spiritual diseases (“panema”) caused by negative energies in the body. These spiritual diseases can accumulate in a person’s energetic body and make a person depressed and anxious.

Your intention is important when taking sananga. It’s the power of your focus that directs the powerful healing of the medicine. Shamans believe sananga works not at the physical or cellular level but rather on an energetic level.